Help I can not keep up with my assignments !!

 Students are overwhelmed by the amount of arduous assignments and homework they have to keep up with on a daily basis.  So what do you do if your Executive Functioning Skills, planning, organizing, prioritizing, focus and life are getting in the way.  I have compiled a summary of research findings  and all the tips I can think that may help students.

Tips to complete your homework.

1.      create a study space.

Find an area to complete your homework where others will not distract you. It is important to organize the space and to make it your own. Create a mood board, motivational quotes, play some soothing music ,add some plants, or  find ways to make this space motivational for yourself.

2.       challenge yourself.

Set specific goals that you would like to achieve doesn't have to be long term it could be something like completing 10-20  questions in a stipulated amount of time. Make sure the goals you set are attainable and realistic.

3.      create accountability.

This is an important step because it ensures that you're keeping your promise in check and meeting your deadlines.

Use a close friend or parents to help cheer you on use charts , stickers, highlighters, or something that helps you to see your list of accomplishments.

4.      break it up into smaller pieces.

Divide all your tasks into smaller tasks breaking things down into more tangible mini- tasks, which can leave you with more motivation to finish them all. This helps to give you a better idea of how long each task takes to complete helping you with time management.

5.      add some movement.

Between assignments give yourself short breaks so you can move about, movement releases neurotransmitters in your brain which in turn helps you focus.  You can use a fidget item, pace around the room, while reading read your homework on an exercise bike , have short dance breaks, or take a walk while listening to an audiobook.

6.      find a study buddy.

Studying with someone adds to accountability you can check in with one another and help motivate each other to not stop and keep going. If you'd like to work on your own you can use apps such as quizlet, kahoot and Quia.

7.      Reward yourself for your efforts

Reward yourself with something you like however to make sure the word isn't accessible to you at all times you can ask somebody to take it away from you and only give it to you when your task is complete.  Or you can reward yourself through practicing discipline after the work is done.

8.      Create a homework tracking system.

This less overwhelming write down all your assignments, you need to see how much work there really is not just in your head you can write them down in a planner on a list or you can write down when the assignment is due on a specific day.

Use different technologies for different lists and learn what works best for you. Maybe you need a visual calendar, maybe it needs to be the first thing above your desk, or it could be a big whiteboard. Use your phone, one app is called Studyo to help you organize etc. You can use different apps or media for different lists, for example grocery lists on your phone,  school schedule on your desk or on your computer calendar.

9.      don't be afraid to mix it up.

Sometimes things can get boring so try switching back and forth between two or three subjects to create variety. Or take short 10-minute breaks and do activities such as, playing an instrument, reading ,drawing etc.

10.   respect your down time.

Don't feel guilty, taking a break specially during exam season.  Try not to fall in to the trap of feeling bad when you're not being productive but remember productivity doesn't come from nonstop progress. Productivity and success come from being organized and taking a break emptying out your mind so you can go back and start fresh and refilling it again with information then take a break do something that's relaxing, so your mind is calm.


more tips to help with your executive functioning skills.

·        Post tasks on board

·        read assignments out loud.

·        learn note taking skills.

·        Use different colour for different tasks.

·        have two workstations so you can get up and move between workstations and assignments.

·        Have the homework written down in the same spot every day whatever tool you use.

·        give yourself extra time to organize for transitions of any kind.

·        create routines and practice them often like start off with three times a week going for a walk making it on the same day every week.

·        create an end of the day checklist to remember things.

·        create an end of the day accomplishments.

·        keep an extra set of books at home and in school.

·        Try to recognize what part of the day you feel the most energetic and use that part to organize or complete tasks.

·        Just because things don't work out don't give up try again until it becomes a new habit or pattern in your life.  Use what works best for you. This takes time so be patient and compassionate with yourself.



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